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Parsley And Tomato: The Perfect Companion Planting

Parsley and Tomato: The Perfect Companion Planting

Tomatoes and parsley are a classic combination, both in the kitchen and in the garden. They are both relatively easy to grow and can be planted together in the same garden bed. In fact, parsley and tomatoes are considered to be companion plants, which means that they benefit each other when grown near each other.

How Parsley Benefits Tomatoes

Parsley has a number of benefits for tomatoes. First, it attracts beneficial insects, such as ladybugs and hoverflies. These insects prey on tomato pests, such as aphids, hornworms, and whiteflies. Second, parsley helps to improve the soil around tomato plants. It releases essential nutrients into the soil, such as nitrogen and potassium. Third, parsley acts as a living mulch around tomato plants. This helps to suppress weeds and retain moisture in the soil.

How Tomatoes Benefit Parsley

Tomatoes also have some benefits for parsley. First, tomatoes provide shade for parsley plants, which can help to protect them from the hot sun. Second, tomatoes release carbon dioxide into the air, which parsley plants use for photosynthesis. Third, tomatoes help to attract pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, which help to pollinate parsley flowers.

How to Plant Parsley and Tomatoes Together

When planting parsley and tomatoes together, it is important to choose the right varieties. Some varieties of tomatoes, such as determinate tomatoes, grow more compactly and are better suited for planting with parsley. Indeterminate tomatoes, on the other hand, grow taller and may need more space.

It is also important to plant parsley and tomatoes in the right location. Parsley and tomatoes both prefer full sun, but they can also tolerate some shade. If you live in an area with hot summers, you may want to plant parsley and tomatoes in a location that gets some afternoon shade.

When planting parsley and tomatoes, space them about 12 inches apart. This will give them enough room to grow and spread. You can also plant parsley and tomatoes in rows, with about 2 feet of space between rows.

Watering and Fertilizing Parsley and Tomatoes

Parsley and tomatoes need regular watering, especially during hot, dry weather. Water them deeply and infrequently, so that the water has a chance to soak into the soil.

You can fertilize parsley and tomatoes with a balanced fertilizer every few weeks. A fertilizer that is high in nitrogen will help to promote leaf growth, while a fertilizer that is high in phosphorus will help to promote fruit production.

Harvesting Parsley and Tomatoes

You can start harvesting parsley leaves when the plants are about 6 inches tall. Harvest them as needed, and they will continue to grow.

You can start harvesting tomatoes when they are ripe. Tomatoes are ripe when they are a deep red or orange color.


Parsley and tomatoes are a great combination for companion planting. They benefit each other in a number of ways, and they are both relatively easy to grow. If you are looking for a way to improve your garden's productivity and pest control, consider planting parsley and tomatoes together.

Parsley and tomatoes are a classic duo in the garden, and for good reason. Parsley is a great companion plant for tomatoes because it helps to repel pests and attract beneficial insects. The strong scent of parsley can help to confuse and deter tomato pests like aphids, whiteflies, and hornworms. In addition, parsley attracts ladybugs, hoverflies, and other predators that prey on these pests.

Not only does parsley help to protect tomatoes from pests, but it can also improve their growth and flavor. Parsley is a nitrogen-fixing plant, which means that it can help to increase the nitrogen levels in the soil. This can benefit tomatoes, which are heavy feeders. Parsley can also help to suppress weeds and improve drainage.

If you're looking to grow healthy, productive tomatoes, consider planting parsley nearby. For more information about parsley and tomato companion planting, visit Gardenia Inspiration.

FAQ of parsley and tomato companion planting

Question 1: Do parsley and tomatoes go well together?

Answer: Yes, parsley and tomatoes are considered to be companion plants, which means that they benefit each other when planted together. Parsley helps to deter tomato pests such as aphids and hornworms, while tomatoes provide shade for parsley, which helps to prevent it from bolting.

Question 2: How does parsley help tomato plants?

Answer: Parsley attracts beneficial insects such as ladybugs and hoverflies, which prey on tomato pests. Parsley also releases chemicals that suppress the growth of soil-borne diseases, such as verticillium wilt and fusarium wilt.

Question 3: What are some other good companion plants for tomatoes?

Answer: Some other good companion plants for tomatoes include beans, basil, chives, garlic, lettuce, marigolds, onions, and peppers. These plants help to deter pests, attract beneficial insects, or improve the soil quality for tomatoes.

Question 4: How far apart should parsley and tomatoes be planted?

Answer: Parsley and tomatoes should be planted about 12 inches apart. This gives each plant enough room to grow and prevents them from competing for resources.

Question 5: What are some tips for companion planting parsley and tomatoes?

Answer: Here are a few tips for companion planting parsley and tomatoes:

  • Plant parsley and tomatoes in full sun or partial shade.
  • Amend the soil with compost or manure before planting.
  • Water the plants regularly, especially during hot weather.
  • Fertilize the plants every few weeks with a balanced fertilizer.
  • Keep an eye out for pests and diseases and treat them promptly if they occur.

Image of parsley and tomato companion planting

5 different images of "parsley and tomato companion planting" from Pinterest:

  1. Tomatoes and parsley in a garden bed. The tomatoes are staked and the parsley is growing in between. Image of Tomatoes and parsley in a garden bed
  2. A tomato plant with parsley leaves growing at its base. The parsley is helping to deter pests from the tomato plant. Image of A tomato plant with parsley leaves growing at its base
  3. A bouquet of tomatoes and parsley. The tomatoes and parsley are complementary colors and flavors. Image of A bouquet of tomatoes and parsley
  4. A close-up of tomato and parsley leaves. The leaves of the two plants are different shapes and sizes. Image of A close-up of tomato and parsley leaves
  5. A field of tomatoes and parsley. The tomatoes and parsley are growing in rows in a field. Image of A field of tomatoes and parsley

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